The TuksRes Women in Leadership Academy (TRWLA) in partnership with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), organized ahead of the 20th anniversary of the UNSCR 1325 in October, an event titled “Going beyond hashtags: How are young women and men contributing to Women, Peace and Security implementation?”. Hayat Mirshad was one of the panelists, where and based on her extensive experience in advocacy and activism for women’s rights, she advised more than 120 young female students in the call on the importance for young women to make a lot of noise about topics they are passionate about and tips to do this effectively.
The main objectives of this event included:
1. Educate the young women in the academy (university students) about women, peace, and security issues. Shed a light into the 1325 resolution, what it aims to do and why it had to be.
2. Facilitate an inter-generational dialogue on how today’s youth can contribute to the achievement of peace and security practically, beyond social media activism, and how decision-makers and activists of all ages can better support youth leadership.
3. Initiate a network and forge partnerships between South African young women, youth peacebuilders from around the world, and experts on peacebuilding and WPS experts, which will provide young women with opportunities to use their skills in a practical way to promote peace and gender equality.
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