DRI Panel Discussion: Sustainability of Alternative Media Amid the Crisis in Lebanon

As part of Democracy Reporting International Lebanon's closing event of its media project 2024, Hayat Mirshad, editor-in-chief of Sharika wa Laken feminist platform, spoke in a panel about the sustainability and impact of independent media. Mirshad emphasized the role of feminist media in promoting women's and girls' rights and amplifying their voices during the currently [...]

By |2025-02-21T21:34:30+02:00December 27th, 2024|Media|0 Comments

Consultancy with Diakonia: Integrating Feminist Principles in Organizations’ Work

Over a period of 4 months, Hayat Mirshad worked with Diakonia International to develop the capacities of its regional partners in the MENA on feminist principles and ethics, gender justice programming and context, and ensuring a feminist work environment. Following the capacity development phase, Mirshad worked on developing a guiding document to help partners put [...]

By |2025-02-21T22:20:09+02:00August 21st, 2024|Media|0 Comments

Al Rawiya Podcast: On the Rise of The Feminist Movement In The Levant With Hayat Mirshad

The feminist movement in the Levant has been making noise in the last decades as powerful women take the lead on many initiatives focusing on feminist and women's issues. FEMALE and Sharika Wa Laken are just a few of these organizations empowering change. Join Stephani Moukhaiber and Hayat Mirshad in this episode on the rise [...]

By |2025-02-21T21:14:42+02:00April 1st, 2024|Media|0 Comments

“We are going to crush your heads” – the sentence I’ll never forget. Attack, battle, or already war? Why freedom statement of Hayat Mirshad ignited a fire in the country?

Written by: MILKA FIJALKOWSKA Journalist, Reporter TVN24 Saturday, 5:40 pm we were sitting in a police van, one of the girls counted that there were seventeen of us. It was hot, there was not enough air, one of the girls was struggling to catch her breath. I looked at Hayat, she was terrified. She was [...]

By |2025-02-21T22:04:59+02:00October 5th, 2023|Media|0 Comments

A Rebel Waging Justice

Written by: Nadia Ahmad Journalist, writer and producer July 29th, 2023, it was a Saturday afternoon when I first heard the calming voice of Hayat Mirshad. Although I had heard of Hayat and her activism, I had never met or spoken to her. At the time, weekends were the harshest on me. I was yet [...]

By |2025-02-21T21:54:09+02:00October 3rd, 2023|Media|0 Comments

Aggression, brutality, and threats accompanying a Freedoms March

Source: FEMALE organization Despite the increased backlash against the feminist and LGBTQ+ movement in Lebanon, on Saturday, September 30, 2023, a group of 30 associations, organizations, and media and human rights institutions, among them, FEMALE, aimed at organizing a march under the title “Freedoms March”, during which a significant violation of freedoms occurred. This march [...]

By |2023-10-06T17:48:53+03:00October 3rd, 2023|Media|0 Comments

A Protest Movement in Beirut to Square up Against Policies of Oppression and Muzzled Voices

A group of independent activists and journalists carried out a movement in front of the Palace of Justice in Beirut, in the wake of summoning the editor-in-chief of “Sharika Wa Laken” platform, Hayat Mirshad, to appear before the Cybercrimes Bureau. Earlier, The Alternative Press Syndicate had called for action to protest the obstinate refusal of [...]

By |2023-10-06T17:18:10+03:00June 3rd, 2023|Media|0 Comments

Activist Hayat Mirshad refuses to appear before criminal court

The complaint was filed against the co-founder and executive director at FEMALE and editor in chief of Sharika wa Laken feminist platform by actor and director Joe Kodeih. L'Orient-Le Jour / 02 June 2023 14:15 Dozens of people rallied outside the Beirut Justice Palace on Thursday in support of activist and journalist Hayat Mirshad, who [...]

By |2023-06-06T00:27:53+03:00June 2nd, 2023|Media|0 Comments

Hayat Mirshad Summoned for Interrogation… A Battle of Snatching Freedoms and Believing Survivors

In a new attempt to suppress journalists and activists and silence them, The Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Protection Bureau subpoenaed Editor in Chief of “Sharika wa Laken” and the Executive Director of FEMALE Organization, journalist and feminist activist, Hayat Mirshad, to appear before the Bureau next Thursday, on June 1. The Bureau, an affiliate to [...]

By |2023-05-29T19:10:55+03:00May 29th, 2023|Media|0 Comments

LGBTQI+, Migrant and Stateless Communities supported to lead Advocacy and Outreach efforts

In her capacity as an advocacy and communications expert, Hayat Mirshad worked on a 4 months project with Legal Action Worldwide- LAW to support their efforts in enhancing and advancing the capacities of change-makers from marginalized backgrounds, through developing the capacities of 50 community advocates, from the LGBTQI+, migrant and stateless communities, on advocacy, communication, [...]

By |2023-05-29T19:45:48+03:00May 24th, 2023|Media|0 Comments
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